Sunday, February 28, 2010

Story #2

OU Students partake in intramural basketball at Huston Huffman Center.

Fun Weight Loss Program

As the country rapidly continues to gain weight, many look for ways to control and lose those unnecessary pounds. Basketball, being one of the world’s most popular sports, has proven not only to be fun, but a way for one to stay in shape.

The sport of basketball is a wonderful aerobic exercise. The jumping and running that encompasses basketball helps one to get physically fit in a plethora of ways. One of the most important ways is the amount of calorie loss. An hour of basketball can burn up to 750 calories. This is over a third of the amount of calories in a regular 2,000 calorie diet.1

Basketball can also build up muscle.

“Since I started playing, I have toned up a lot,” Nathan Gwathmey, University of Oklahoma Junior said. “Without basketball I’d be real flabby.”

The muscles that basketball builds allow one to become stronger and more flexible which increase speed and agility.

Basketball also increases endurance, concentration, and self-discipline. All of these help one stay focus and alert throughout the day.

“I usually play early in the morning to get me going,” Vincent Williams, University of Oklahoma Junior said. “It’s like a morning cup of coffee.”

Basketball can be a great exercise tool for those who are looking to lose some weight, or just get in shape, but it is also enjoyable to participate in.

1Statistics came from: ; ;

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Story #1

Curtis Horton, Assistant Coach for Servants' Basketball, an AAU team based in Oklahoma City.

Benefits of Playing in AAU Basketball

Since 1888, the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) has been giving young men and women the opportunity to progress in their sports. In more recent years, AAU has grown tremendously and has become one of the top forums in helping young amateur athletes not only become more skilled at their sport, but ultimately lead them to college.

AAU is more so important for high school basketball athletes around the country. In most states, it is against the rules for a high school coach and/or assistants to have contact with players during “dead seasons.” AAU affords these athletes an avenue to continue on improving their skills, while also being able to travel the country.

“Without AAU, I wouldn’t have become the basketball player I did,” former AAU player Lamaur Banks said. “I would have sat at home all summer; rather I was improving my game, and having fun at the same time.”

Each AAU team has its own style of play, and team structure.

“We look for players who are going to shoot unconsciously,” Servants Basketball, an AAU team based in Oklahoma City, assistant coach Curtis Horton said.

AAU teams are also separated by grade levels, ranging from 4th grade through 12th.

Throughout the country, there are teams that recruit athletes and some who have open admission. Those that recruit on a regular basis are usually the top tier teams, and often times are sponsored by different sporting goods companies (i.e. Nike, Adidas, Reebok, etc.)

Playing AAU basketball, will not only open doors to improve one’s skill, or travel the country, but it gives the opportunity for athletes from smaller cities, or smaller high school basketball programs, or just athletes who have no other way to be seen by college coaches earn the chance to one day play college basketball.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Listening Exercise

1. I experienced this exercise at BJ’s restaurant while I waited to be seated. (Yes, my girlfriend was a little upset I didn’t talk to her for 30 min). Being that I love music, and sound, the sounds came to me immediately. It was difficult for me to block out sounds from differing distances.

2. The sound that surprised me the most, being in a restaurant was the sound of the A/C, and the amount of motors I heard from outside.

3. The ventellation system went with the A/C, and cars went with motor.

Overall, it was interesting to hear the sounds of plates, and silverware banging. Even being able to here the sound of bottles be placed down at the bar. This exercise was music to my ears.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Portrait Without a Person

Evans Hall sits peaceful on the top of the North Oval on this cloudy Sunday afternoon

Monday, February 1, 2010

Dog Picture - Story to follow